Monthly Archive: October 2011

Oct 29

Term Deposit Premium very high again

Source: Reserve Bank of Australia The above chart shows the premium banks are paying for their 3 year term deposits compared to 3 year Australian Government bonds from 1992 to the end of September 2011. Since hitting its aboslute high around the start of 2010 and peaking again around July 2010, term deposits are paying …

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Oct 29

Australian Government Bond Yields…small improvement

The last month has shown a bit of a bounce-back in the sharemarkets but as the above yield curve indicates, so far its more of a dead cat bounce and there’s a long way to go. The yield curve is still negatively sloping to beyond two years indicating the market is expecting a few rate …

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Oct 29

Australian Equities Fund Manager Style over time

A couple of weeks ago I did a post showing Fama French 3 Factor analysis on some of the leading Australian Equities fund managers. The analysis covered returns from June 2003 to September 2011 so it obviously covered a mixture of markets…bull bear and sideways. I just completed the same analysis but this time I …

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Oct 17

SPIVA Results – Active Managers still struggling

I’m quite late in reporting the recent performance of fund managers from my favourite performance report, Standard and Poor’s SPIVA. For those that don’t know the reason why this is my favourite report on fund manager performance is that it considers survivorship. It does this by examining all fund managers at the start of the …

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Oct 14

Australian Equity Manager’s Investment Style…maybe not all true to label

Its been a little while since I wrote anything on managed fnds. Yesterday I attended a series of presentations at Griffith University whereby undergrad students presented results of their previous few months working in financial services. Some of the results were very interesting including how many global fund managers demonstrated a different investment style than …

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Oct 10

Asset Allocation that considers Asset Weighted Returns

My earlier posts on asset-weighted returns got me thinking about how to apply this thinking throughout the working life of a superannuation member so I did this little exercise. I know this has probably been done to death by the lifecycle investment gurus out there but I thought I’d see for myself what I would …

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Oct 07

Australian Government Bond Yield Curve…not much change

I don’t really have too much to say on this as nothing has really changed too significantly…the market is expecting interest rate cuts with an economy influenced by overseas events. The uncertainty in markets remains huge and its difficult to feel bullish on sharemarkets or the global economy and the downside risks clearly remain as nothing is resolved. …

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