Monthly Archive: July 2011

Jul 28

European trouble again?

Italy – Germany 10 Year Bond Spread Source: Bloomberg The above chart shows the spread between Italian 10 year bonds and German 10 year bonds. I found it via Paul Krugman’s blog. As Krugman suggests it looks like things are starting to look pretty grim again in Euro land as the spreads are heading towards …

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Jul 28

Inflation Up? Not really just interest rate rise panic

The above chart has been copied from and  shows annual CPI change over the last 16 quarters and guess what? The latest quarter’s figure, excluding volatile items is 2.5%! Right in the middle of the RBA’s inflation target of 2% to 3%. When the Reserve Bank looks at inflation they do not, or should not, consider …

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Jul 25

A Few Retirement Income Articles

I haven’t written too much on retirement income recently, well just a little bit. Anyway, before I write a whole lot more (my day job is currently focused on this area) I thought I’d post a couple of my older retirement income articles for those that may be interested…also can’t help but notice that Jeremy …

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Jul 16

Australian Government Bond Yield…the outlook’s not so good any more

What a difference three months can make. The Australian Government Bond Yield has gone from a positive outlook, to negative, and Bill Evans of Westpac has just made the call that the next interest rate move from the Reserve Bank should be down. For those of us who read this blog, you  may recall that …

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Jul 05

Lifetime Annuities…only attractive if you live to 100!

A few weeks ago I mentioned that if you survive long enough, lifetime annuities are likely to offer the best return you could possibly get, thanks to the power of mortality credits. There are only two fixed annuity providers in the industry and I decided to analyse the rates of one of them. My analysis …

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