Monthly Archive: April 2010

Apr 30

Euro Problem

The Euro member countries with the highest levels of debt (Greece, Portugal, and Spain) have another problem that restricts their ability to fight their current economic enemies…the Euro. Before the crisis, these countries experienced significant investment and a property boom resulting in strong economies and inflation that was higher than the other Euro member countries. …

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Apr 30

Greek Impact

Potential Consequences of a Greek Default Whilst Greece is only a small part of the EU economy (it accounts for less than 2% in combined GDP of the sixteen EU member states) the potential default on its sovereign debt may have significantly greater ramifications… The largest holders of Greek Sovereign debt are the Greek banks. …

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Apr 16

Is it over for Agribusiness MIS?

Without a doubt, this has been the worst investment sector I have ever seen. Apart from the overall dismal performance track record of this sector, a few years ago now we had the disaster of Saxby Bridge and their agri-boiler room sales tactics, and in the last 12 months we’ve had the collapse of Timbercorp, Great Southern and …

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