Monthly Archive: December 2010

Dec 16

Global House Price Comparison

Found the above chart at The Big Picture . Unfortunately Australian Real House Prices are missing but I did a quick calculation using ABS data. From the start of 1997 to the start of 2008, inflation adjusted house prices in Australia increased from a base score of 100 to 212 which places Australia somewhere between …

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Dec 16

Fee for service responsible for increased passive investment???

A change in adviser remuneration structure is causing a structural shift in asset allocation away from active products towards more passive products such as exchange traded funds (ETFs) and passive funds, according to Fidelity Investment Managers. The above paragraph, taken from Money Management’s daily,  isn’t quite true. Whilst I believe adviser remuneration restructure has some impact on …

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Dec 15

S&P500 Appears Overvalued

The Shiller PE ratio has been a pretty useful guide over the years as to whether the US sharemarket in general is over or undervalued. The above chart shows this statistic to the end of November  where it has the value of 21.8. Compared to its historic average (16.4) the S&P500 is around 33% overvalued …

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Dec 10

The RBA’s New Chart Pack

The Reserve Bank of Australia have updated their website so that charts on global and local economic statistics or investment markets are far more accessible. It is a wonderful resource that many use …check it out here.    Send article as PDF   

Dec 01

So much for the bailout…

Source: Bloomberg If you can’t pay your debts then you can’t pay your debts…additional credit doesn’t quite cut it. Clearly the market is unconvinced by the bailout package for the Irish and bond yields continue their upward climb. One of the desired outcomes of a bailout package is the hope it will calm markets…it clearly …

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