Monthly Archive: February 2010

Feb 19

Back to Basics Portfolio Construction

My latest draft article submitted for publication in IFA can be found here. In an nutshell, one of the problems with asset allocation portfolio construction in recent years is the increase in the number of asset classes promising diversification benefits…hasn’t quite turned out that way. Secondly, we’ve seen equity-like risk creeping into the fixed interest …

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Feb 01

A Simple Portfolio Analysis of the Future Fund

On Friday the Future Fund published its asset allocation as at 31 December 2009. Before we jump to any conclusions about its make-up its important to understand what the investment objectives are… CPI plus 4.5% to 5.5%pa over a rolling ten year period with an acceptance of short term underperformance whilst the Strategic Asset Allocation …

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Feb 01

RBA Rate Rise tomorrow? Odds on

Australian Government Bond Yields – 29 Jan 2010 Source: Bloomberg The RBA Cash rate is currently at 3.75% and with government backed 30 day bank bills at 4.12% and the recent tender of 23 March 2010 Treasury Notes fetching a yield of ~3.96% the financial markets are pretty much expecting a 25bps increase. Whilst the sharemarkets have had the …

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Feb 01

Jon Stewart talks Obama vs Bankers

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Obama Takes On Bankers Daily ShowFull Episodes Political Humor Health Care Crisis    Send article as PDF   


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